Pay it forward

To Give For The Sake Of Giving Creates

Generosity, Beauty & Abundance

Pay It Forward

I want to share a little story about the power of paying it forward.

Yesterday, I went to buy some strawberries, but the stand only accepted Swish (a mobile payment method) and no cards. The woman in front of me didn’t have Swish, so I offered to pay for her strawberries. Like many polite people, she initially refused, saying I didn’t need to. I agreed—I didn’t need to, but I wanted to. I then suggested she could do the same for someone else in the future. She thanked me saying I made her day.

Another day, after a Bikram yoga session (which I absolutely love and believe can enhance anyone’s life), I decided to anonymously buy a monthly pass for the next person. Only the studio managers knew it was me. Later, they told me that my action started a trend—eight more people were inspired to do the same. Each one got a surprise and chose to pay it forward.

Same goes with love and care. Love and care opens Hearts. Recently, I have felt a little scarred. And some wonderful heartfelt beings have entered my life. It has brought so much healing and nourishment to my being. The care, curiosity and overall kindness have had a really positive effect on me, which has rippled out on my surroundings ending with finding peace in two other relatings.

These actions create an energy of trust, abundance, and generosity within us. It’s not about giving to get something in return. It’s about giving to give, to create a ripple effect of overflow, joy and generosity.

Big difference

The amazing thing is, pay it forward can be as little as paying for a plastic bag in the food store, or a cake, or something small. The surprise add´s on to the feeling of joy.

What fun and meaningful can you do today or another day to light someone’s day up?

Divine Winks



Tantric Love Making


What do you stand for?